It's funny to have a friend or an acquaintance who thinks that he or she knows it all and it's a shame that they don't. Some even make it a habit of correcting every word you say but ironically fail to correct oneself.
Convo on the way home:
Sheva and Blasé-ska were having a conversation about random things when Sheva corrected Blasé-ska's pronunciation of "statue" [staa-choo]
Sheva Feelerensky: It's 'stey-choo' (with conviction) hahaha
Blasé-ska Menavich: (If you say so; Imaginatively rolled eyes.)
But then Blasé-ska remembered that she heard Sheva mispronounced some words, too.
Sheva Feelerensky: Asking her students some random questions. "Do you know 'lam-bor-jee-ni'?"
Blasé-ska tried her very best to remember the damn word. She has stirred and has racked her brain to no avail. Maybe Sheva was talking about her friends respectively named, Lambor and Jeeni? Since Blasé-ska couldn't find the answer on her own, she asked her very informative friend, Google dot Comonov. Even Mr. Google found it hard to find the words 'lambor and jeeni'. Shame that Blasé-ska was so blasé she knew deep in her diencephalon that the word sounded familiar but too dumb to acknowledge.
Blasé-ska was so scandalously amused she wanted to roll on the floor and laugh out loud. Damn, Lamborghini! Lamborghini oi! [lam-bər-gi-ni]...
Alright, let's make a 'stey-choo of 'lam-bor-jee-ni' for you!
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